"Self-published comic book artist and master of the badass pose, @haedre shares some honest insights into the journey from "I want to be an artist for a living", to living art." - @carlgnash (@Curie)
It's been around a month an a half that I started to be active on Steemit, the blockchain based social blog that rewards you for your content. The platform has a very steep learning curve but when you share genuine content there's interest and reactions.
If a peculiar fauna hangs out there, financial-gurus, techno-poets, crypto-utopians, grammarbots, and artificial intelligences, there are also major actors, "curators". They find, relay and showcase, rather undiscovered yet, quality content. Thus helping newcomers for visibility. A few days ago, a post I wrote about my experience as a self-published author had the chance to be nominated for the "Curie Author Showcase" (@curie). The man behind, @carlgnash, wrote a damn cool summarization of the post and on what I am doing. There aren't much of interviews or blurbs like that about me around, so it really cheered me up!
You can read the original post "Genesis of a self published graphic-novel" here:
And the author showcase here: